(646) 474-8500
Trademark Statement:

All trademarks remain the property of their respective holders and are used only to directly describe the services being provided or the products we support. Their use does not indicate any affiliation or relationship between PRO Trainers and the owners of said trademarks. The services or courses for these products are provided by third parties and are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by Autodesk, Inc., Adobe, Microsoft, or any other third parties that may be mentioned on this website.

PRO Trainers provides independent and quality training services allowing users to obtain the best possible training solutions and personalized guidance and support.

Official Courseware is provided by recognized institutions and entities that are fully responsible for the contents of their courses and hold manufacturer's authorization to develop certification guides. Training Services are provided by certified trainers or authorized training institutions.

We offer the lawful service of providing information that allows students and companies to find trainers or training centers for the courses listed on this website, which is a permissible purpose under the law, as the individuals and institutions providing such services also provide a legitimate and lawful service approved by state and federal law in the U.S. and all other countries or locations where these services are provided.

We do not sell or manufacture any products and we do not compete in any way with the manufacturers or distributors of any products that may be mentioned on this website. As such, any usage of trademarks to refer to such products is considered nominative use or fair nominative use and such use is protected by law.

In the U.S., Trademarks are used under applicable provisions of the U.S. Trademark Act, Title 15 of the United States Code, 1115 (b), and related laws allowing for "Nominative Use", "Fair Nominative Use" and any relevant provisions. Such provisions state, among other things, that the use of a trademark to describe a product is allowed and protected by law since there is no other way to describe the product than calling it by its name. The description or naming of any legitimate services or activities provided for such trademarked products are also protected by law and are non-infringing. These provisions and existing jurisprudence state that the use of such trademarks in combination with the description of any services provided for them is legitimate and considered fair use, and therefore, non-infringing and not dilutive of any trademarks. See Nominative Use.

In all other countries, Trademarks are used under the relevant "Trademark Fair Use" provisions of the applicable local Trademark laws, and all applicable international treaties.

AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Maya, Revit and Autodesk are registered trademarks of Autodesk, inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Any product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within the website are the property of their respective trademark owners and are used according to permissible purpose and "Fair Nominative Use" lawful provisions, and are believed to be used in good faith and according to law.





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